I have chosen to focus on scenario 2 for this week’s blog assignment, which is about a high school teacher who wanted to take her students to tour art exhibits being held at two prominent museums in New York City. Her plan was to have the students tour the museums and be able to interact with the museum curators as well as see the art work on display. Further, she would like to bring two pieces of artwork from each exhibit and have students participate in group critique on the individual work of art. At the moment she turns to me as instructional designer in the district for assistance in identifying one to two distance learning technologies that will provide the best solution for the above challenge.
Looking at the challenge above, it is clear that the students would need to write and discuss their opinion on the artworks and the tour in general. Therefore, one of the technology tools that will be appropriate is the discussion forum. Discussion forum is an asynchronous communication tool that allows one individual to post a comment or respond to a question posted by the instructor. This type of discussion is called threaded discussion. As asserted in this weeks interactive media, discussion technologies provide a means for participant to communicate virtually, both in real time and in delayed communication (media, 2011). Discussion forum is great for collaborating, communicating, sharing, and learning from one another. “Threaded discussion is one of the most powerful techniques used in distance education” (Michael, Smaldino, Albright & Zvacek, 2009).
According to Laurie Patsalides (2010), instructors use the discussion forum to help the students develop an understanding of the coursework. In addition, using the discussion forum will help the instructor provide a connectedness with the online students for instructor-students interaction. Further, instructors can use discussion forum to add RSS feeds for continually updated materials, studycasts or podcast for review of course work or instruction via online video, create quizzes that are relevant to the course contents and discussions, and plan projects for collaboration.The following Youtube video is a hands-on use of discussion forum experienced by Catlin Tucker, a high school English teacher. Catlin explains the importance of the use of discussion forum, which enlightens why this tool is appropriate for my scenario in question. Click here to watch!
My second choice of technology tools for the challenge above is Multimedia.Multimedia is one of the rapid emerging technologies of the 21st century. It can be used to design instruction that incorporates stimulating and dynamic learning experiences. It includes graphics, texts, video, and some with interactive option, which keeps students alert and focus because they are eye-catching, entertaining, and engaging. I can relate this to my past learning experience with Amy Pointer who asserted that well designed multimedia helps students acquire knowledge faster because it assists in explaining complicated subjects and improves instruction by drawing learner’s attention, illustrating a point, introducing a subject, and supporting other contents as well. The following link will land you on a YouTube video museum tour that is a combination of history, science, and art exhibit with the guest curator Hank Haczmarksi. Click here!
The use of multimedia has been showcased in one of the teachers.tv videos. In this multimedia, students participated in a hands-on stone-carving outreach project in their local public gallery. Students toured the gallery and were able to interact with the curators, peers, and teachers. They were able to touch, feel, and smell the exhibits, and gain inspiration for their own pieces of art. Though this multimedia was use synchronously, it can as well be used asynchronously in the virtual learning environment. Multimedia in general helps in promoting students’ understanding and learning experiences of the topic in question. Click here for the teacher.tv video.
To sum up, as an instructional designer, the two technology tools that I will suggest to the high school teacher in my selected scenario are discussion forum and multimedia presentation explained above. These technologies can help in education students through capturing their attention, enhancing teaching and learning efficiency, and promote students engagement and interaction with the real world.
Patsalides, L. (2010, april 17). How to use an online discussion board in an asynchronous discussion. bright hub , pp. http://www.brighthub.com/education/online-learning/articles/29761.aspx.
Teachers.tv (Director). (2006). Hands-On Art [Motion Picture].
Mayer, R. (Ed.) (2010). "Triarchic Model of Cognitive Load, Part 3" Retrieved October 10, 2010 from http://sylvan.live.ecollege.com/ec/crs/default.learn?CourseID=4442096&Survey=1&47=6469849&ClientNodeID=984650&coursenav=1&bhcp=1
Haczmarksi, H. (Director). (2010). Astronomic! Exhibition at Krannert Art Museum [Motion Picture].